Knowledgebase: Domains
Forward your domain name to a different website
Posted by on 08 April 2014 02:44 PM

Want to forward your domain URL to a different website? Here’s how you do it:

  1. Login to your account

  2. You will now see a page with all purchases made by you on our system

  3. Click on the domain name for which you want to setup forwarding

  4. Click on the Domain Forwarding option to the right of this page

  5. Click on "Manage Domain Forwarding"

  6. Enter the Destination website URL

  7. Enable or Disable URL Masking based on your preference. (What is URL Masking?)

  1. Enable or Disable Sub-Domain Forwarding based on your preference. (What is Sub-Domain Forwarding?)

  2. Enable or Disable Path Forwarding based upon your preference (What is Path Forwarding?)

  3. Click the Save button

That’s it, you’re done! Just allow 4-6 hours for the changes to take effect and then you should see your domain forwarded to the destination website.


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