Knowledgebase: Announcements
Scheduled maintenance on our Shared Hosting Linux Servers Posted by on 27 November 2017 01:37 PM
UPDATE:: 01-12-2017 | 04:00 pm IST
Please be informed that RAM Upgrade on the servers - , has been completed and the RAM Upgrade on the server - has been postponed.
Maintenance Notice: Please be advised that the following Linux hosting servers will be undergoing a maintenance for the reason mentioned below.
Reason: RAM Upgrade
Affected servers:
Benefits: Upgrading the RAM on the server will enhance the performance of the server and reduce the load on the server. Downtime: The maintenance may last around 1 hour and all the services will be down during the maintenance window. Affected Services:
All services will be down during the maintenance window.
Please feel free to contact our support help-desk in case you have any queries
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