Knowledgebase: Announcements
Scheduled Maintenance on one of our VPS Hardware Node
Posted by on 13 July 2017 09:35 PM



The maintenance has been rescheduled as per date and time mentioned below :

Maintenance Window:

Date : Tuesday, 25th July 2017

Start Time: 22:00 IST

Duration: 30 Minutes.


Affected Services : All servers hosted on the server.


Please feel free to contact the support desk if you have any questions.



Dear Customer,

This is to notify that we have upgraded the RAID controller firmware on the hardware node server but the reboot on the server is pending. The reboot for the server is scheduled as per the following maintenance window:


Maintenance Window:

Date : Thursday, 20th July 2017

Start Time: 21:30 IST

Duration: 1 hour


Affected Services : All servers hosted on the server.

Even though the maintenance is scheduled for 1 hrs, the actual downtime is only for a few minutes during the hardware server reboot.

Please feel free to contact the support desk if you have any questions.



Maintenance Notice :

We are performing a scheduled maintenance on the server the hardware node server



Upgrading RAID controller firmware


Benefits of this upgrade:

Enhances the stability of the system


Maintenance Window:

Date : Saturday, 15th July 2017

Start Time: 21:30 IST

Duration: 1 hour

Affected Services : All servers hosted on the server.

Even though the maintenance is scheduled for 1 hrs, the actual downtime is only for a few minutes during the hardware server reboot.

Please feel free to contact the support desk if you have any questions.