Knowledgebase: Announcements
Scheduled Maintenance on one of our Linux
Posted by on 24 April 2017 07:29 PM


Update : 26th April, 2017  | 23:30 IST

Please be advised that the migration of below-mentioned server has been successfully accomplished.



Please feel free to contact our support help-desk in case you have any queries


Maintenance Notice :

Please be advised that the following Linux hosting server will be undergoing maintenance as per the schedule and reason mentioned below.

Reason :

Migrate users from CloudLinux 5 to CloudLinux 6 servers.


Benefits of this Migration :

- CloudLinux 6 supports TLS v1.2 which is mandatory for Payment gateway communication.

- CloudLinux 6 supports SNI

- CloudLinux 6 has more enhanced security features


Maintenance Window :


Day and Date  : 26th April 2017

Start Time: 20:00 IST

Duration: 6 Hours


Affected Services :

All services will be down.

Note: cPanel/WHM and Webmail services will be stopped 12 hours prior to the maintenance start time. . Clients will not be able to login to cPanel/WHM and webmail interface, till the migration is complete.

Please feel free to contact our support helpdesk in case you have any queries.