Knowledgebase: Announcements
Scheduled Migration on one of our Windows hosting server
Posted by on 12 December 2016 12:37 PM
Maintenance Notice :
Please be advised that the following Windows server will be undergoing migration as per the schedule and reason mentioned below.
Reason :
Upgrading the OS from Windows 2008 to Windows 2012
Maintenance Window :
Server Date Start Time (IST) Expected Downtime Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016 20:00 2 Hours


Affected Services : All services hosted on this server.

Please Note: Plesk Panel service and FTP service would be stopped at 3:00 PM IST on the same day itself i.e 2016/12/14 and the clients will not able able to upload any new data post that till the migration is completed.
The downtime should not exceed more than 1 hour starting from schedule time but we are taking the 2 hour as buffer during which all the service would be affected.

Please feel free to contact our support helpdesk in case you have any queries.