Knowledgebase: Domains
Basic Documentation Required for .NGO Domain Registration
Posted by on 10 December 2015 05:36 PM

Here is a list of documents out of which you can submit anyone for verification of your organization for registration of a .NGO/.ONG domain:

  • In India non-profit organizations can be registered as trusts, societies, or a private limited company, under Section-25 company.

  • Incase of a trust or society- A registration certificate

  • Incase of a Section 25/Section 8 company – Incorporation Document

  • A memorandum of association and rules and regulations of the organization

  • Consent letters of all the members of the managing committee. A minimum of seven members comprise a managing committee

  • Taxation Documents

  • Labour law registrations (subjective to nature of the NGO)

  • Authority letter duly signed by all the members of the managing committee

  • Copy of rules and regulations certified to be a correct copy of original rules and regulations by at least three managing committee members

  • A declaration by the members of the managing committee that the funds of the society will be used only for the purpose of furthering the aims and objects of the society

  • In case any government servant holds elective office, previous sanction of the government (concerned minister) is needed.

  • For NGOs who accept foreign Payments: FCRA documents from the Home Ministry

To know the process to register a .NGO / .ONG , click here.

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