Knowledgebase: Announcements
SMTP port modification : Port 587 to be used for SMTP instead of port 25
Posted by on 16 June 2015 04:30 PM

With the recent surge in DDOS attacks on our hosting server IP's over port 25, we urge all our clients to switch to Port 587 for SMTP.

Port 587 is an MSA (message submission agent) port that requires SMTP authentication.

There are situations where the ISPs blocks port 25, hence its more suitable to use port 587 by default for SMTP.
Port 587 coupled with TLS encryption, will ensure that email is submitted securely and following the guidelines set out by the IETF.
Thus, we request all our clients to use Port 587 instead of 25 while sending mails via STMP.
Please feel free to contact our support helpdesk in case you have any doubts or queries.